Support NCBWLV

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Las Vegas Chapter is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose focus is the advocacy of Black Women and Girls, in the areas of Health, Education, and Economic Empowerment.
As a non-profit organization, we depend on the generous support of those aligned with our mission.
Your donation supports programs and activities such as:
- Educational and Entrepreneurial Mentoring Programs
- College Preparedness Workshops
- S.T.E.M. Education and Development Workshops
- Workshops on Nutrition and Exercise
- Raising Cancer-Prevention Awareness and Access to Cancer Care in Underserved Communities
- Financial Literacy and Family Wealth-building Workshops
and much more!
Support the mission and vision of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Las Vegas Chapter by partnering or sponsoring advocacy programs, events, and initiatives that benefit black women and girls. We are always thankful for donation of time and resources.
Each year, generous supporters like you commit to an annual giving level that helps us sustain our programs and continue to strengthen our organization. Select the level that best suits you. We appreciate your committment and support of the organization and its programs.
Not able to give annually? The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Las Vegas Chapter values all support! We are thankful for your kind donation, regardless of the amount. Every penny helps us positively impact the lives of black women and girls.

Benefactors League:
Individual and Corporate Donations from $5000
Your Sustaining Level contribution supports the NCBW Chapters programming in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment.
- Your contributions support the work of the organization on Legislative Day in Carson City, NV., Leadership Retreats and Conference.
- You will also be listed in the annual report which highlights all donors
- You will be listed on all Legislative Day, Leadership Retreat and Conference materials, social media and website notifications
- You are also invited to Benefactor League receptions and special events

Sustaining Level:
All Major Donations from $1,001 to $4,000
Your Sustaining Level contribution supports the NCBW Chapters programming in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment.
- Your contributions support the work of the organization on economic empowerment boot camps, workshops and awareness day activities/events.
- You will also be listed in the annual report which highlights all donors
- You will be listed on all Program materials, social media and website notifications

Donate Any Amount:
Contributions from $1 and up
Donate your way! All amounts are appreciated. Your Contribution helps NCBW reach our advocacy goals for Black women and girls.
You will also be listed in the annual report which highlights all donors